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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Congressional Reapportionment Essay #13

a) Congressional reapportionment is the process by which the House of Representatives in the USA are redistributed among the states following each mandated decennial census. It is important because it determines the increase or decrease in the number of seats a state has in the House or Congress.

b) Congressional redistricting is the process of redrawing district boundaries when a state has more representatives than districts.

c) During redistricting, politicians have two main goals during gerrymandering. One would be to enhance political party strength/to minimize the strength of the opposition party and another is to increase minority representation/to decrease minority representation.

d) The US Supreme court has created multiple limitations on congressional redistricting. One would be the fact that districts must be equally populated and another would be the limitation that district lines cannot be drawn solely based upon race.

2008-1) Congressional reapportionment and redistricting are conducted every ten years. When redistricting is conducted, politicians often engage in gerrymandering.
(a) Define congressional reapportionment and explain one reason why it is important to states.
(b) Define congressional redistricting.
(c) Explain two goals of politicians when they gerrymander during redistricting.
(d) Describe two limits that the United State Supreme Court has placed on congressional redistricting. 

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