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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Earth Day Video

Part 1- 

American Masters, a Fierce Green Fire. Dir. Mark Kitchell. 22 Apr. 2014. PBS. Web. 13 May 2014. <>.

This film was made to shed light on the battle for a healthier planet using celebrities to support the cause while they narrate the movie. There are five acts, each with characters and stories starting with The Conservation Movement, focused in the 1960's on the Sierra Club and trying to stop the construction of dams in the Grand Canyon. Next is the Pollution Cleanup and what is being done to save children from toxic waste that is put into our environment. Next is Greenpeace, a company that works hard to save animals endangered by waste. Next is Global Resources and the fight to save the Amazon rainforest. Last but certainly not least, Climate Change is addressed and the 25 year long battle is being put to a stop.

Part 2- 

Blackfish. Dir. Gabriela Cowperthwaite. 19 Jan. 2013. Web. 13 May 2014. <>.

Blackfish is a documentary that focuses on the captivity of Tilikum, a killer whale involved in the deaths of three individuals, and the consequences of keeping killer whales in captivity. The coverage of Tilikum includes his capture in 1983 off the coast of Iceland. Cowperthwaite also focuses on SeaWorld's claims that lifespans of whales in captivity are comparable to those in the wild, typically 30 years for males and 50 years for females, a claim the film argues is false Interview subjects also include former SeaWorld trainers, such as John Hargrove.

The Cove. Dir. Jim Clark. OPS. Web. 13 May 2014. <>.

The Cove is a 2009 documentary film that analyzes and questions dolphin hunting practices in Japan. The film is a call to action to halt mass dolphin kills, change Japanese fishing practices, and to inform and educate the public about the risks, and increasing hazard, of mercury poisoning from dolphin meat. The film is told from an ocean conservationist's point of view. The film highlights the fact that the number of dolphins killed in the Taiji dolphin drive hunting is several times greater than the number of whales killed in the Antarctic, and claims that 23,000 dolphins and porpoises are killed in Japan every year by the country's whaling industry. The migrating dolphins are herded into a cove where they are netted and killed by means of spears and knives over the side of small fishing boats. The film argues that dolphin hunting as practiced in Japan is unnecessary and cruel.

Statement: I would love to see something done about injuring and killing innocent animals for profit. Both with Blackfish and The Cove, I saw that something is wrong with our society and why we don't give rights where rights should be given. I believe that it would be helpful to pass laws or legislature that ensures the safety of animals today. Animals should not be held in captivity for profit, nor killed for profit. Most of this horror goes on in foreign countries, but I believe that we in the United States can still do something about it.

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