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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Party Trends Essay #17

A) One specific trend evident in the figure is the percentage of House seats for Democrats has trended down.

B)  From 1948 to 2000, Southern voters elected Democratic candidates to Congress more frequently than they elected Democratic candidates to the presidency. Incumbency advantage, even though 
Southern voters were voting for Republican presidential candidates, they continued to vote for incumbent Democratic congressional candidates because of the incumbency advantage. State versus national parties- because national and state parties were largely independent of each other, to get votes Democratic congressional candidates responded to local interests, whereas Democratic presidential candidates responded to a national constituency.

C)  Over the past few decades, party composition has changed in groups. Catholics have become less reliable Democratic voters. Women have: become more reliable Democratic voters, have increased in number and thus there are more Democratic supporters, and have become a larger percentage of the Democratic voting block. Labor union members have: become less reliable Democratic voters, have decreased in number and thus there are fewer Democratic supporters, and have become a smaller percentage of the Democratic voting block.

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