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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Vaccination Frontline

Source 1:

The Vaccine War

Vaccinations have become increasingly frightening in today's day and age and parents are skeptical of the damage that is being caused by vaccinating new generations. Doctors continue to reiterate that vaccines are helpful and necessary in protecting children from harmful diseases. Though that is good to know, parents are disagreeing with that logic with the evidence that their children were exposed to harmful ingredients in the vaccine which led their children to be diagnosed with autism. With the increasing number of parents choosing to not vaccinate their children, there is fear that diseases like Polio and Measles will start to pop up again, therefore creating a worldwide spread of those diseases.

The Vaccine War. PBS, 27 Apr. 2010. Frontline. Web. 29 May 2014. <>.

Source 2:

What's Behind the Rise in Autism?

Dr. Eric Fombonne sits down for an interview with Frontline to talk about the rise of autism and the motivation behind it. Some of the key talking points are how to diagnose autism, the symptoms, and regressive autism. Regressive autism is where the child is diagnosed with autism and begins to develop, and then stops altogether. This is one of the most frightening things that could happen for a child with autism. The child may begin to say a few words, but then the next week, cannot speak at all. The prevalence of autism has absolutely increased and one of the main reasons could be that vaccines are responsible in harming children and even giving them autism. The biggest reason behind the rise in autism is that doctors are now more likely to use the term "autism" instead of "mental retardation." It does not necessarily mean that there are fewer cases of autism, it means that the term has broadening to umbrella more mental problems than in the past.

Fombonne, Eric R. "What's Behind the Rise in Autism?." Frontline. PBS, 27 Apr. 2010. Web. 29 May 2014. <>.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Amendment 1-

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

I believe that the First Amendment gives human rights to people. It allows that citizens of the United States are given certain freedoms to abide by. The First Amendment is pivotal in maintaining order in our country and protecting the rights of our people. It is important in society today because it acts as a rule book to go back and check or refer to when there is conflict or dispute about freedoms. It is also extremely important in the United States especially because we are one of the very few countries that prides ourselves on our ability to protect and serve the American people by providing them with certain freedoms. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Health Care Blog Post


United Kingdom-

  • No co-payments (occasional on dental, eyeglass, and prescriptions)
  • Socialized medicine- government both provides and pays for health care
  • System is funded through taxes
  • Works well because the General Practitioners have to see patients before they go to a specialist which increases the success of preventative care
  • One downside is limited choice, but the government is instituting reforms to help make care more competitive and give patients more choice


  • Co-payments are 30 percent of the cost of the procedure, amount paid each month is capped according to income levels
  • Social insurance- all citizens are required to have health insurance, through work or purchased from a community-based plan
  • Public assistance for those who can't afford it
  • Citizens can go to any specialist they'd like
  • Japan spends so little on health care that most hospitals and doctor's offices are operating in the red


  • Co-payment is 10 euros every 3 months (pregnant women exempt)
  • Social insurance- citizens buy their insurance from one of more than 200 private, nonprofit "sickness funds"
  • Public assistance for those who cannot afford it
  • Single-payment system, but the sickness funds bargain with doctors as a group rather than negotiating prices with the government
  • Downside is that doctors feel underpaid
  • Another downside is that Germany exempts the richest 10 percent of the population and lets them use US-style for-profit insurance, which gives them an advantage to see doctors


  • Co-payment is 20 percent of the cost of drugs and exemptions for major diseases, childbirth, preventative services, and for the poor, veterans, and children
  • National Health Insurance- all citizens must have insurance, but there is only one, government-run insurer
  • The new health system extended insurance to the 40 percent of the population that lacked it while actually decreasing the growth of health care spending
  • New technology, like smart cards, which holds each person's medical history and bill the national insurer, make Taiwan's health care the lowest administrative costs in the world


  • Co-payment is 10 percent of the cost of the service, up to $420 a year
  • Social insurance- all citizens are required to have coverage, and those not covered are assigned to a company
  • Government provides coverage for those who cannot afford the premiums
  • Insurance companies are not allowed to make a profit on basic care and are prohibited from cherry-picking young and healthy citizens
  • Drug prices are set by the government
  • Second most expensive in the world, but far cheaper than the United States

United Kingdom- 8.3 percent

Japan- 8 percent

Germany- 10.7 percent

Switzerland- 11.6 percent

United States- 15.3 percent

Though the United States tops all the other countries with Gross Domestic Product on health insurance, we are the lowest life expectancy (at 77 years) and the highest infant mortality rate (at 6.8 deaths for every 1000 births) It makes me wonder what we are spending our money on when half the country still does not have health insurance. I would like tho enact Switzerland's health insurance, or something like it, into the US government because even though it is not cheap, there is universal coverage and insurance companies are not allowed to make a profit on basic care which is a large problem in the US today.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Merit System Essay #22

a) One main characteristic of the Federal Bureaucracy Merit System is that it hires government employees based on their abilities, rather than their political connections. Applicants take a standardized examination that determines their competency.

b) Structure of the federal bureaucracy- The different aspects of society is a factor that contributes to bureaucratic independence. It has contributed to the growth of bureaucratic power and federal bureaucratic agencies now have the responsibility to execute federal law.

Complexity of public policy problems- The Federal bureaucracy is given discretionary authority, which basically contributes to bureaucratic independence.

c) Congress- Congress has the reserved power to allocate funding to all federal programs, including bureaucratic institutions. They can use this "power of the purse" to ensure that agencies comply with their wishes. 

The Courts- Judicial review is the power of the courts to declare laws unconstitutional. The courts can check the bureaucracy by declaring laws made by the bureaucracy unconstitutional.

Interest Groups- Special interest groups check the power of bureaucracy with their constant
monitoring and resultant publicity of actions. Special interest groups can create a false sense of urgency or need on a topic.

Representative Democracy Essay #21

a) Two provisions in the Bill or Rights that protect individuals who try to influence policy are: "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." The next provision is: "... the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances" are two things people do to try to influence politics. Speech and the press are two other things that can be used for that purpose.
b) Grass Roots Lobbying- The term grass roots implies that a group or organization originates from or maintains close connections with significant numbers of ordinary citizens or citizen leaders. A grass roots campaign, for instance, seeks to mobilize ordinary citizens to take part in an election campaign or a cause involving an important issue.

Lobbying- Trying to influence decision makers. Interest groups use lobbying as a tactic to pursue the interests of their members, but individuals, too, can lobby. Lobbying can be done directly or indirectly, and can be aimed at any branch or level of government.

Litigation- Generally, bringing a lawsuit against an individual or organization. Interest groups use litigation as a tactic to pursue the interests of their members.

c) One specific federal governmental regulation is that lobbyists are required to register with the clerk of the House and the secretary of the Senate and indicate what group they are representing.

Earth Day Video

Part 1- 

American Masters, a Fierce Green Fire. Dir. Mark Kitchell. 22 Apr. 2014. PBS. Web. 13 May 2014. <>.

This film was made to shed light on the battle for a healthier planet using celebrities to support the cause while they narrate the movie. There are five acts, each with characters and stories starting with The Conservation Movement, focused in the 1960's on the Sierra Club and trying to stop the construction of dams in the Grand Canyon. Next is the Pollution Cleanup and what is being done to save children from toxic waste that is put into our environment. Next is Greenpeace, a company that works hard to save animals endangered by waste. Next is Global Resources and the fight to save the Amazon rainforest. Last but certainly not least, Climate Change is addressed and the 25 year long battle is being put to a stop.

Part 2- 

Blackfish. Dir. Gabriela Cowperthwaite. 19 Jan. 2013. Web. 13 May 2014. <>.

Blackfish is a documentary that focuses on the captivity of Tilikum, a killer whale involved in the deaths of three individuals, and the consequences of keeping killer whales in captivity. The coverage of Tilikum includes his capture in 1983 off the coast of Iceland. Cowperthwaite also focuses on SeaWorld's claims that lifespans of whales in captivity are comparable to those in the wild, typically 30 years for males and 50 years for females, a claim the film argues is false Interview subjects also include former SeaWorld trainers, such as John Hargrove.

The Cove. Dir. Jim Clark. OPS. Web. 13 May 2014. <>.

The Cove is a 2009 documentary film that analyzes and questions dolphin hunting practices in Japan. The film is a call to action to halt mass dolphin kills, change Japanese fishing practices, and to inform and educate the public about the risks, and increasing hazard, of mercury poisoning from dolphin meat. The film is told from an ocean conservationist's point of view. The film highlights the fact that the number of dolphins killed in the Taiji dolphin drive hunting is several times greater than the number of whales killed in the Antarctic, and claims that 23,000 dolphins and porpoises are killed in Japan every year by the country's whaling industry. The migrating dolphins are herded into a cove where they are netted and killed by means of spears and knives over the side of small fishing boats. The film argues that dolphin hunting as practiced in Japan is unnecessary and cruel.

Statement: I would love to see something done about injuring and killing innocent animals for profit. Both with Blackfish and The Cove, I saw that something is wrong with our society and why we don't give rights where rights should be given. I believe that it would be helpful to pass laws or legislature that ensures the safety of animals today. Animals should not be held in captivity for profit, nor killed for profit. Most of this horror goes on in foreign countries, but I believe that we in the United States can still do something about it.

Monday, April 21, 2014

National Interest Groups Essay #20


A. AMA targets Congress, more specifically, Medicare.

B. This group is made up of Physicians and medical students, the majority of these people will encounter Medicare patients or policies in practice, whether they choose to work in a private practice, or in a hospital. Since Medicare policies set standards for other insurance payers, it makes sense for the AMA to attempt to influence the way Medicare is run.

C. The constituents of the AMA include doctors and medical practice offices, and they have created a set of rules, policies, and procedure codes to standardize terminology. These Current Procedural Codes (CPC) are one of the primary ways that all medical forms and insurance forms are filled out. Since nearly all medical procedures are billed to insurers, and Medicare is the largest insurer in the United States, the AMA wants to communicate efficiently with Medicare so their constituency gets paid.

(1999_2)National interest groups often target national-level policymaking institutions to achieve their policy objectives.

Select one of the following national interest groups.- AARP- AMA (Medical Association)- NAACP- NAM (national assoc. of Manufacturers)

For the group you selected do each of the following.- a identify one major national-level policymaking institution that this group targets.- b describe one resource or characteristic of the group you have chosen and explain how it influences the choice of the target you have identified in (a)- c describe another resource or characteristic of the group you have chosen and explain how it influences the choice of the target you have identified in (a).

Media in Presidential Campaigns Essay #19

Two ways in which the media have contributed to candidate-centered presidential campaigns are: election profiles of all of the major candidates are covered on most of the major networks so many Americans tune in to learn about a candidates' early beginnings, and the coverage of a candidate's potential wrong-doing.

Two ways in which presidential candidates' use of the has contributes to candidate-centered campaigns are: the use of negative commercials to defame their competitor during election time, and through attention-gathering public appearances to enhance public attention to individual qualities.

(1999_1)In the 1990’s presidential election campaigns have become more candidate centered and less focused on issues and party labels. The change has been attributed both to how the media cover presidential campaigns and to how candidates use the media. Identify and explain two ways in which the media have contributed to candidate-centered presidential campaigns. Identify and explain two ways in which presidential candidates’ use of the media has contributed to candidate-centered campaigns.

Your answer should not include a discussion of presidential primary elections.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Federal Bureaucracy Essay #18

A) A description of a characteristic of the merit system is that hiring or promotion is based on merit, experience, and qualifications.

B) The structure of the bureaucracy contributes to bureaucratic independence because it is based on merit. Complexity of public policy problems contributes to bureaucratic independence because it delegates authority. Because Congress and the president cannot handle everything, they delegate authority to the bureaucracy.

C) -Congress can pass legislation affecting the bureaucracy. 

     -The Courts can implement rulings that limit bureaucratic practices. 
     -Interest Groups can utilize the 1st amendment while partaking in Lobbying, protests, and media use.

Party Trends Essay #17

A) One specific trend evident in the figure is the percentage of House seats for Democrats has trended down.

B)  From 1948 to 2000, Southern voters elected Democratic candidates to Congress more frequently than they elected Democratic candidates to the presidency. Incumbency advantage, even though 
Southern voters were voting for Republican presidential candidates, they continued to vote for incumbent Democratic congressional candidates because of the incumbency advantage. State versus national parties- because national and state parties were largely independent of each other, to get votes Democratic congressional candidates responded to local interests, whereas Democratic presidential candidates responded to a national constituency.

C)  Over the past few decades, party composition has changed in groups. Catholics have become less reliable Democratic voters. Women have: become more reliable Democratic voters, have increased in number and thus there are more Democratic supporters, and have become a larger percentage of the Democratic voting block. Labor union members have: become less reliable Democratic voters, have decreased in number and thus there are fewer Democratic supporters, and have become a smaller percentage of the Democratic voting block.

Federal Agencies Essay #16

1.  Two reasons why Congress gives federal agencies policy making discretion in executing federal laws are: because it's easier to come to an agreement, and it's more efficient that way.

2. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is under the policy of clean air and water. The EPA is in charge of protecting the environment by creating national parks and regulating pollution levels. The EPA passed pollution level laws and ordered all cities to change their requirements that didn't pass the test.

3. Two ways in which Congress ensures that federal agencies follow legislative intent are: investigations, and Legislative Veto. 

2006-3 The United States congress and the president together have the power to enact federal law. Federal bureaucratic agencies have the responsibility to execute federal law. However, in the carrying out of these laws, federal agencies have policy making discretion.
(1) Explain two reasons why Congress gives federal agencies policy making discretion in executing federal laws.
(2) Choose one of the bureaucratic agencies listed below. Identify the policy area over which it exercises policy-making discretion and give one specific example of how it exercises that discretion.
a. Environmental Protection Agency
b. Federal Communications Commission
c. Federal Reserve board
(3) Describe two ways in which Congress ensures that federal agencies follow legislative intent.

Social Security Essay #15

A) Entitlement programs are government-sponsored programs providing mandated/guaranteed/required benefits to those who meet eligibility requirements and qualifications.

B) Payroll taxes are the primary source of revenue for the Social Security program.

C) One threat to the future of the Social security program should the trends depicted in the chart is running out of money to provide to the people who receive Social Security.

D) One demographic trend that threatens the future of the Social Security program is that people are living longer and have a greater life expectancy. Because the number of workers who fund Social Security is 
decreasing, the number of people eligible for Social Security is increasing. Therefore, the threat of running out of money is very likely.

E) If people were to work longer, less money would be paid out/more money would be paid in/the reserve would not decline as rapidly or as much.

2006-2 In recent decades, entitlement programs have constituted a substantial portion of the United States federal budget. Social Security is the largest entitlement program in the US. From the information in the chart above, and your knowledge of the US government and politics, perform the following tasks.
(a) define entitlement program
(b) What is the primary source of revenue for the Social Security program

(c) Identify one threat to the future of the Social security program should the trends depicted in the chart continue
(d) Describe one demographic trend that threatens the future of the Social Security program and explain how it is responsible for the threat that you identified in (c)
(e) Explain how any one of the trends in the chart above would change if the age of eligibility for social security were raised.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Domestic Policy Essay #14

The Constitution grants the president certain enumerated powers. Describe two of these formal powers that enable the president to exert influence over domestic policy.

a) The president is granted many powers due to the constitution. One would be the legislative powers that he has. With these, he can veto bills, perform pocket vetoes and even sign legislation. Another power he is granted is his appointment power, where he can call anyone into office.

Choose two of the following. Define each term and explain how each limits the president’s ability to influence domestic policy making in Congress.

Lame Duck Period: The lame duck period is a period of time in which an officeholder’s term is coming to an end. It limits the president's ability to influence domestic policy making in congress because congress becomes less responsive to the president and the president's power is viewed as begin diminished.
Mandatory Spending: Mandatory spending is spending not controlled by annual budget decisions. This takes aways form the president's ability to influence domestic policy because budgetary constraints make it difficult to accomplish policy goals, as well as the fact that it is difficult to make budget cuts that might accomplish policy goals.

2008-2)A number of factors enable presidents to exert influence over Congress in the area of domestic policy. However, presidents are also limited in their influence over domestic policymaking in Congress.

-The Constitution grants the president certain enumerated powers. Describe two of these formal powers that enable the president to exert influence over domestic policy.

-Choose two of the following. Define each term and explain how each limits the president’s ability to influence domestic policy making in Congress.
*Mandatory spending
*Party polarization
*Lame-duck period

Congressional Reapportionment Essay #13

a) Congressional reapportionment is the process by which the House of Representatives in the USA are redistributed among the states following each mandated decennial census. It is important because it determines the increase or decrease in the number of seats a state has in the House or Congress.

b) Congressional redistricting is the process of redrawing district boundaries when a state has more representatives than districts.

c) During redistricting, politicians have two main goals during gerrymandering. One would be to enhance political party strength/to minimize the strength of the opposition party and another is to increase minority representation/to decrease minority representation.

d) The US Supreme court has created multiple limitations on congressional redistricting. One would be the fact that districts must be equally populated and another would be the limitation that district lines cannot be drawn solely based upon race.

2008-1) Congressional reapportionment and redistricting are conducted every ten years. When redistricting is conducted, politicians often engage in gerrymandering.
(a) Define congressional reapportionment and explain one reason why it is important to states.
(b) Define congressional redistricting.
(c) Explain two goals of politicians when they gerrymander during redistricting.
(d) Describe two limits that the United State Supreme Court has placed on congressional redistricting. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

bp Oil Spill Assignment

Source #1:

The Spill. 26 Oct. 2010. Frontline. Web. 26 Feb. 2014. <>.

The large oil company bp has managed to create a bad reputation for the face of foreign oil by neglecting to attend to safety concerns. Cost-cutting measures have continued to lower the safety threshold and both injure and kill over 20 people so far. Frontline investigates and describes how this company has slowly decreased in safety and trust. It also shows just how dangerous the oil spills can be, leading to fire, explosions, and the death and injury of many bp employees. Lack of leadership in the company is the main cause of confusion with safety measures and cost-cutting which is making the company untrustworthy and not true to their word that they will bump up the safety measures to keep employees safe. 

Source #2:

Pelley, Scott. "Blowout: The Deepwater Horizon Disaster." CBS News. CBS Interactive Inc., 16 May 2010. Web. 26 Feb. 2014. <>.

The deepwater horizon disaster refers to the tragic explosion and oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico by bp, the largest oil company to date. It claimed 11 lives and is particularly terrible because there could have been many things done to prevent this disaster. To cut costs, bp avoided doing things for safety measures, not sealing the cement blocks being the largest of the cost-cutting activities, and that lead to the oil spill heard around the world. There could have been so many things that could have prevented this but bp has a major lack of leadership, starting with the CEO, that have ruined bp forever. 

Source #3:

McClatchy, David. "BP's Troubled Past." Frontline. PBS, 26 Oct. 2010. Web. 26 Feb. 2014. <>.

For years, bp has been avoiding necessary safety measures to cut costs which has let to the injury and death of multiple employees. Now, there are documents being released that identify that bp truly could have done so much to save the lives of their employees but instead, they thought of the money aspect of it because they are greedy. Not only were people killed in the Texas City explosion, but there was a huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that killed 11 people. The sad part of the whole story is that bp just needs new leadership to guide them in the right direction to make their company safe again and to prevent any more disasters from occurring anytime soon.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Divided Government Essay #12

a) A divided party government occurs when one party is in the presidency and the other controls one or both chambers of Congress. Because in a divided government one party can check the other's agenda, it is exceedingly difficult for a party to carry out its policies. Divided party governments in modern times have affected voter behaviors. The inability of a party to bring its promises to life has contributed to voter disillusionment in the democratic system, decreasing trust and confidence in the government.

b) Well when you have to buy your way into office like some politicians do, people lose faith in the government and the people who voted for them. People can not think for themselves they have to have the media decide for them. People are less inclined to vote for someone if they have no thoughts or ideas on aspects of government and are just successful because of their money.

c) One specific consequence of the decline in trust and confidence in government for individual political behavior is lower voter turnout. When voters can't trust the possible candidates, they are less inclined to vote at all. Another consequence is party disloyalty which for example could be registering or voting as an independent instead of a Republican or Democrat. 

Trust and confidence in government have declined in recent decades.
a) Explain how divided government has contributed to the decline in trust and confidence in government. Be sure to include a definition of divided government in your response
b) Explain how the increased cost of election campaigns has contributed to the decline in trust and confidence in government.
c) Explain two specific consequences of the decline in trust and confidence in government for individual political behavior.

Re-election Rates Essay #11

a) There are two patterns displayed in the graph shown. One is that the House of Representatives and the Senate lines on the graph are inverses of each other. For example, in 1981, while the re-election rates in the House of Representatives were up and around the 90 percentage, the re-election rates in the Senate plunged to half of that rate, around the 55 percentage. Another pattern is that the House of Representatives' re-election rate is always and constantly higher than that of the Senate's. 

b) One factor that contributes to incumbency advantage is wealth, it takes a whole lot of money to run a candidacy. The fact that elections take a lot of money to run makes it very common to have wealthy business owner or someone who comes from money run for re-election. The other factor that contributes to incumbency advantage is that the citizens already know the incumbents name, face, and what they stand for. Since they already have political background and experience, it makes it easier for a voter to choose them, rather than some yahoo that is running for the first time.

c) One consequence of incumbency advantage is that since they continue to be re-elected, there is a higher chance of corruption in Congress. Nowadays we hear every day about a new senator or representative scandal. If the incumbents were never re-elected, there would be no chance for the congress men and women to get antsy and start doing or participating in illegal things rather than focusing on doing their job and serving their country. 

The graph above shows reelection rates for incumbents in the House and Senate. From this information and your knowledge of of the US politics, perform the following
a) identify two patterns displayed in the graph
b) identify 2 factors that contribute to incumbency advantage. Explain how each factor contributes to incumbency advantage.
c) Discuss one consequence of incumbency advantage for the US political process

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Meth Assignment

Source #1: 

The Meth Epidemic. Dir. PBS. 14 Feb. 2006. Web. 18 Feb. 2014.

In the recent years, meth has overwhelmingly become one of the most distributed and used drugs in the United States. Its content has slowly and slowly become so pure that it is now also one of the most dangerous drugs on the market. Shows like AMC's Breaking Bad glamorize the making and use of methamphetamine though the truth is that it can deteriorate your body and kill you. Meth is making it way up a list of drugs that can seriously harm you and its not coming down anytime soon.

Source #2:

Engle, Jonah. "Big Pharma And Meth Cooks Agree: Keep Cold Meds Over The Counter." npr. npr, 26 Sept. 2013. Web. 18 Feb. 2014. <>.

The meth epidemic is becoming more and more dangerous as the days and weeks pass by because in every state except Oregon, the decongestant pseudophedrine (a main ingredient of methamphetamine) is still not a prescription drug. This allows cookers to obtain the ingredients they need to create the meth through the "shake and bake" method, which means they put all the ingredients together and shake them to crystallize it. This is obviously dangerou on so many levelsbut that mny chemicals in that small of a space leads to fires and explosions, and eventually harming the cooks themselves. Since Oregon made pseudophedrine a prescription drug that you can only get over-the-counter, the number of meth labs in the state as decreased by 90%. If we could get all states to pass this law, maybe we can start to get a handle on thismeth epidemic.

Source #3:

Rawson, Richard. "How Meth Destroys The Body." Frontline. PBS, 14 Feb. 2011. Web. 18 Feb. 2014. <>.

Using meth has become overwhelmingly popular in the past decade, but what people don't knnow, is the harm it can do to your body. When ingested, methamphetamine releases a massive amount of dopamine to the brain. So much so, that researchers have suggested that one hit of meth releases more dopamine than having an orgasm. However, after the first use, your body builds up a tolerance to the drug which requires you to use more and more of it to feelthe same high again. And that is the biggest risk of the drug: you will get to a point where you need large amounts of the drug to feel high and that will eventually kill you. Not to mention the way it deteriorates the body through your skin, teeth, and most importantly, the brain.

Friday, January 17, 2014

North Korea Blog Post

Brief History
Since world war two, the Korean peninsula has been partitioned into two occupation zones, divided at the 38th parallel. The US took control of the south, whereas the USSR controlled the north. North Korea is now a one-man dictatorship due to Kim Jong-il. North Korea was first established on May 1, 1948 with Kim II Sung as president. After an invasion on South Korea and a seize of Seoul, Kim II Sung died on July 8th, 1994. Four years later, in September, North Korea launched a missile test over Japan, claiming it was just a scientific satellite, making North Korea's nuclear intentions unclear. Korea allowed the US to conduct inspections in exchange for increased food aid and an introduction of potato production. In the fall of 1999, North Korea experienced a severe famine, killing an estimated 2-3 million due to only 10% of the rice fields available for work. Malnutrition then continued to plague North Korea in 2000. Thousands attempted to flee to China or South Korea but only few were successful. Those who weren't, were captured for torture and/or execution. North Korea has grown to have one of the world's most secretive societies, being accused of violating human rights, inhumane conditions in prison camps, summary executions and denial of freedom of expression and movement. Recently, suspicions have heightened, and Kim Jong-il is taking a dictatorship over North Korea.

Current State of Affairs
The North Korean government has formally rejected the nuclear test moratorium it had been placed under by the United Nations Security Council. A prior deal between the U.S. and North Korea to exchange food aid to the communist country in return for the nuclear test moratorium is now off the table indefinitely. North Korea has traditionally enjoyed the support of its powerful neighbor China, but in recent years Chinese leaders appear to have become increasingly frustrated and embarrassed by Pyongyang's intransigence over its nuclear program and its resolute isolationism in all other areas.

Regime and State Change
I think that there could be regime and state change if there was a change of leaders. It seems no one likes how North Korea is being ruled so if the main problem was taken out of the equation, control would change drastically. The people of North Korea are desperate for a change in both their state and regime and if given the opportunity of a change of power, the people would take it immediately. If Kim Jong-Il was removed, torture, execution, and fear would also leave which would bring change in itself. To see North Korea with fearless citizens and children with homes, that would be a change in the state itself.


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Fundamental Goals of Politics Essay #10

While interest groups and political parties each play a significant role in the United States political system, they differ in their fundamental goals. The fundamental goal of interest groups in the political process is to influence the public policy along with Congress and government officials. It's possible that the interest groups are also working towards changing laws that they don't agree with. 
The fundamental goal of major political parties in the political process is to elect certain candidates they favor into office, as well as gaining as much control as they can over the government. Gaining control and having who they want in office would make it so more of their ideas are heard and acted upon in society. 

There are many ways interest groups influence the political process, one being media campaigns. Media campaigns are a good way for interest groups to get noticed and to have their most important issues gain attention. The more attention an issue gains the more likely the government is to deal with it. Another way interest groups influence the political process is through Political Action Committees (PACs) donations. With the money they receive, they can put more emphasis on certain issues or policies they want changed or acted upon. 

Media campaigns are seen worldwide for particular policies that interest groups focus on. Through the media interest groups are able to catch policymaker's attention and therefore have a greater influence on them. If media is covering an issue from an interest group, it obviously has enough of a voice to gain media attention and is then more likely to gain a policymaker's attention. This leads to interest groups having a greater influence on the decision making process/policymakers, and from there, they have their foot in the door of the political process.

Policy Agenda Essay #9

One of the most important ways the media influences politics is through agenda setting.
A policy agenda is a collection of important issues which people are closely examining. These people may or may not make up the government, however, they play a part in the policy-making. The media engages in the agenda setting by the media getting the nation's
citizens to watch and try to understand the subject or problem on that topic. The president tends to have an advantage at gaining media attention because of his personal image. He is the leader of the United States and this public image attracts more attention. Contrasting between 1974 and 2002, older generations tend to view the network nightly news more than younger generations and continues to be that way. Also comparing 1974 and 2002, the young people's viewership of the network nightly news has gone down significantly and continues to decline. One implication for presidents in their use of the media to promote their political and policy objectives to the American public is the State of the Union address. It is broadcasted on every network and also on the internet so it gives everyone the opportunity, young or old, to hear the president promote their policy objectives.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Majority in Congress Essay #8

Two advantages the majority party the United States House of Representatives has in lawmaking are: the majority party in the house sets the legislative agenda which means they decide which bills get voted on and when they get voted on. This means that they plan everything when it comes to try and passing a bill, therefore, making the House of Reps the most important part of Congress for passing a bill.

The biggest difference between the House and Senate in the filibuster rule (an extended debate). In the House a simple majority passes legislation, but in the Senate only 40% can block a vote by filibusters. 60 of 100 votes (a two-fifths majority) is needed to end a filibuster.
In the House of Reps, there are more formal procedures and rules and no filibuster which means no unanimous voting because there needs to be 2/3 votes. Also, the Senate can have holds on the bills.

The differences in the previous paragraphs can lead to a passage of a bill in one chamber but not the other. One reason is because even though the House may pass a bill, the Senate can kill the bill with a filibuster. Another reason is because even though the House may pass a bill, the Senate can delay or stop it with a hold.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Finance Proposals Essay #7

Eliminating soft money

a) The first proposal is to eliminate the political contributions earmarked for party-building expenses at the grass-rootslevel or for generic party advertising. Though after the McCain-Feingold Act in 2002 was passed, was finally when soft money contribution were subject be limited to a certain amount instead of unlimited. In favor of the proposal, soft money is unfair because if a candidate comes from a wealthy background, or has individuals with deep pockets, their campaign would receive more money than another candidate's. On the contrary, soft money does not go straight to the candidate, it goes directly to the campaign which does make it fair because the candidate needs the campaign to run in the election.

b) The second proposal is to limit independent expeditures on the campaign trail. Independent expenditures are when a candidate can spend as much money as they want on their own campaign with no limits. The advantage to limiting this helps level the playing ground so that the fight is fair, and a wealthy person gets more help because they used more money on their campaign. On the contrary, limiting how much money a candidate can spend on their own campaign, is like limiting free speech. So, there are two sides to this fight and neither one is wrong, they both just have separate advantages and disadvantages.